Sensory Programs

Students are given many opportunities to explore and develop their senses within the classroom and around the school. Individual Education Plans and Sensory Profiles are created and used to meet the needs of each student. These programs help students to process sensory information, improve focus during learning time and assists with self-regulation. Students engage in Occupational Therapy daily fitness activities designed to promote balance, movement, strength, co-ordination, and co-operation in a fun and relaxing setting. The team at Therapy Focus introduced the Crash Bang Smash program, which is based on the concept of integration using primarily the Vestibular (movement) and Proprioception (knowing where one is in space) sensory inputs. By meeting Vestibular and Proprioception, this allows a child who is running “too fast” or “too slow” to reach a “just right” or optimum alertness state that allows them to concentrate and participate within classroom activities. The Crash Bang Smash is done using a circuit style approach where students go through different stations with different sensory objects. Sessions are designed to adhere to students’ sensory needs. Sensory breaks “sensory snacks” are provided to suit individual needs when required.