
School Dress Code

The school dress requirements for Wirrabirra students are developed in consultation with students, their parents and staff.  These requirements are the standards expected of all students.  Our dress requirements play an important role in promoting a positive image of the school and creating a sense of identity among students.

Wirrabirra Education Support Centre is a SunSmart School and it is compulsory for children to wear hats for play and outdoor activities.  Students presenting at school without a hat will be confined to undercover areas during break times.  Our school colours are gold, navy blue and garnet.  Our uniform store is operated by a group of volunteer parents and is located in the Parent Information Centre.The Uniform Shop is open to the school community on

Tuesday & Thursday mornings from 8:30-10:00am.

Click here for our latest uniform price list Wirrabirra School Uniform Order Form.

Wirrabrira School Unifom Order Form